Handleiding Sunding SD-201C Fietscomputer

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Sunding Bicycle Computer
- ODO ODOMETER0.001-99999km/m
- CAL099999Kcal
- FAT09999.9kg
Battery Installation
Remove the battery cover from the bottom of the computer by using a
flat blade screwdriver, install an CR2032 battery with the positive (+)
pole facing the battery cover and replace the cover. Should the LCD
show irregular figures, take out the battery and re-install it.
Speedometer Sensor
Attach the speedometer sensor bracket to the left fork blade, using the
shims to adjust the diameter, and using the cable ties (show below) to
tie it with the fork. Position the sensor and magnet as show; make sure
that the arc of the magnet intersects the alignment mark on the sensor
with 1mm clearance.
Attach the mounting shoe with the cable
ties to the handlebar, adjust the mounting
shoe on the handlebar with the shims to
hold its position.
Sensor Wiring
Route the sensor wire up the fork blade,
using cable ties to secure it at the bottom
and crown to avoid it hinder the movement
of the front wheel.
Attach the computer to the mounting shoe
by sliding the unit until it snaps firmly into
its postion. To remove it, press the button on
it in the opposite direction.
To check for proper speed function and sensor alignment, spin the
front wheel with computer in speed mode. Adjust the position of
sensor and magnet when there is no or weak reaction.
Wheel Size Input
‘2060’ appears on the screen when the battery has been installed,
with one figure flashing, choose the correct wheel circumference from
the table below. Press RIGHT button to advance digits as needed and
LEFT button to confirm and advance. (The circumference ranges
0mm9999mm),press LEFT button to enter KM/M mode.
700c x 38mm 2180 26’ x 2.25’ 2115
700c x 35mm 2168 26’ x 2.1’ 2095
700c x 32mm 2155 26’ x 2.0’ 2074
700c x 30mm 2145 26’ x 1.9’’/1.95’ 2055
700c x 28mm 2136 26’ x 1.75’ 2035
700c x 25mm 2124 26’ x 1.5’ 1985
700c x 23mm 2105 26’ x 1.25’ 1953
700c x 20mm 2074 26’ x 1.0’ 1913
700cTubulari 2130 24x 1.9’’/1.95’ 1916
650c x 23mm 1990 20’ x 1-1/4’ 1618
650c x 20mm 1945 16’ x 2.0’ 1253
27’ x 1-1/4’ 2161 16x 1.95’ 1257
27’ x 1-1/8’ 2155 16x 1.5’ 1206
26’ x 2.3’ 2135
Press the RIGHT button to choose km/h or m/h.
Press the LEFT button to enter Rider’s Weight setting..
Setting Rider’s Weight
The default weight is 65kg, press the RIGHT button to adjust the
flashing weight number according to rider’s weight, press LEFT
button to confirm and advance. Weight ranges : 20~150kg. Press the
LEFT button to enter into Maintenance Alert setting.
Setting Maintenance Alert
While the default Maintenance Alert digit 200km/m
is flashing, Press the RIGHT button to choose
200/400/600/800 km/m.Press the LEFT button to
confirm and enter into Clock mode.(When the
ODO>the Maintenance Alert digit you set, the
will appear on the screen to alert the rider,
press the LEFT button to cancel it.)
CLK Mode(12H/24H)
In CLOCK Mode, press the LEFT button for 3
seconds to enter 12/24H selection. Re-press the
LEFT button for 12/24 exchanging. Press the
RIGHT button to enter Hour setting mode, when
the figure indicating HOUR start to flash, press the
LEFT button to adjust it.
Continue to press the RIGHT button to enter Minute setting mode,
when the figure indicating MINUTE start to flash, press the LEFT
button to adjust it and RIGHT button to confirm, re-press RIGHT
button to enter ODO mode.
Setting the Last value of Odometer
In ODO mode, press the LEFT button for 2
seconds to set the ODO value, its initial
value is 0000.0. when one figure flashing,
press RIGHT button to adjust it and LEFT
button to confirm it, and start to set the
next figu re.(after re-install the battery,
latest value can be inputted according to the value exists
before the battery is re-installed).
Reset of Mileage Parameter
In ODO mode, Press and hold both RIGHT and LEFT button
simultaneously for 3 seconds to clear the circumference value and
cancel (km/m) & Maintenance Alert setting. The user need to reset
the tyre circumference, (km/m) & Maintenance Alert, the original
ODO value and CLOCK will remain unaffected.
When riding speed is shown all the time on the screen, it ranges :0-
99.9km/h(m/h), and it is accurate to +/- 0.1km/h (m/h).
Speed Comparator
During riding , ¡ø and ¨‹ will dispaly on the screen , ¡ø indicates the
current speed is higher than average speed. ¨‹ indicates the current
speed is lower than average speed.
In ODO mode , the total distance is indicated
on the screen, its mileage ranges : 0.001
99999km(m). The display will be back to 0
when value exceeds its maximum limit, press
the RIGHT button to enter DST mode.
Trip Distance (DST)
In DST mode, the distance for one trip is
indicated on the screen. This distance is start to
be calculated when DST becleared to 0. It
ranges: 0~9999km(m), when exceed the range limit, it will restart
from 0 automatically. In DST mode, press LEFT button for 5 seconds
to clear the DST, MXS, AVS, TM records. Press the RIGHT button to
enter into MXS mode.
Maximum Speed (MXS)
In MXS mode, maximum speed is indicated on
the bottom line. Press the LEFT button for 5
seconds to clear the records of MXS,DST,AVS
and TM. Press the RIGHT button to enter AVS
Average Speed
In AVS mode, the average speed for one
trip is indicated on the screen. Press the
LEFT button for 5 seconds to clear the
AVS, DST, MXS, TM records. Press the
RIGHT button to enter Into TM mode.
Trip Time
In TM mode, the trip time for one trip is
indicated on the screen. TM ranges :
0 :00 :00~9 :59 :59,restartfrom0 :00 :00 when
it exceed the range limit. In TM mode, press
the LEFT button for 5 seconds to clear the TM, DST, MXS, AVS
records. Press the RIGHT button to enter into RPM mode.
Temperature (RPM)
In RPM mode, the current outdoor
temperature is indicated on the screen.
Minimum Temperature(MIN RPM)
Maximum Temperature(MAX RPM)
The default display for RPM is
- -
button for 5 seconds to clear RPM MIN MAX, DST, MXS, AVS.
Press the RIGHT button to enter into CAL
CAL (Calory)
In CAL mode, the total heat energy the rider
consumed is calculated from the last
restoration of the computer is indicated on the
screen. It ranges: 0~99999Kcal. Press the RIGHT buttonto enter into
FAT mode.
In FAT mode, the total FAT the rider
consumed is calculated from the last
restoration of the computer is indicated on the screen. It ranges:
0~9999.9kg. Press the RIGHT button to enter into Scan mode.
In SCAN mode, the DST, MXS, AVS, TM are
indicated in turn every 4 seconds. Press the
RIGHT button to enter into CLK mode.
Menu Hide Function
In any mode except CLK mode, press the RIGHT button for
5 seconds, the computer is going to Menu hide mode, it
hides MIN RPM, MAX RPM, CAL & FAT, which will not
be indicated on the screen but still running without effect.
Also in any mode except CLK mode, press the RIGHT
button for 5 seconds again, these functions are resumed.
Sleep Mode
If no signal has been inputted for 300 seconds, computer
will enter into Sleep mode, CLK remains. It will turn back to
the former mode with all the data collected when any signal
is inputted or any button is pressed.
In any mode, press the LEFT button to enter into Freeze
Frame memory mode, flashing TM data will appear on the
screen, press the RIGHT button to view the records of DST,TM, AVS
and MXS. Press the LEFT button to end it.
Back Light
The back light function is switched on or off when you press any
button during PM:1800800. It will not work at any other time.
Low Power Reminding
When the battery is low power, the symbol will be shining,
Which reminds the rider to change into a new battery.
Malfunctions and problems
Malfunctions problems
No speedometer Improper magnet/sensor alignment
Inaccurate value is
Improper input, such as wheel
Slow display
Temperature exceeds operating
limits (~5)
Black display
Too long time in sunlight, should
take back to shade for a period.
Weak display Poor battery or dead battery
Displays irregular
Take battery out and reinstall it
after 10 seconds.
Abnormal sound
when shaking
Rolling Ball switch voice/shaking
the computer in sleep mode,
computer auto on.
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Praat mee over dit product

Laat hier weten wat jij vindt van de Sunding SD-201C Fietscomputer. Als je een vraag hebt, lees dan eerst zorgvuldig de handleiding door. Een handleiding aanvragen kan via ons contactformulier.

Alan Wilson 25-07-2020
Hallo, ik geniet van mijn nieuwe computer, hoewel ik merkte dat er verschillende willekeurige getallen voor de snelheid op leken te staan. Na een tijdje kwam het tot rust, maar ik vroeg me af of ik iets verkeerd had gedaan of dat er een probleem was. Ten tweede schijn ik geen toegang te kunnen krijgen tot de CAL- en FAT-functies. Als ik op de MODE-knop klik, ga ik van RPM rechtstreeks naar SCAN. Nogmaals, is het iets dat ik verkeerd doe of een probleem met de computer?? Bedankt van Alan.

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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Sunding SD-201C Fietscomputer. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Sunding. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Sunding SD-201C Fietscomputer in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Sunding
Model SD-201C
Categorie Fietscomputers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.49 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Sunding Fietscomputers
Meer handleidingen voor Fietscomputers

Veelgestelde vragen over Sunding SD-201C Fietscomputer

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Waarom moet ik de maat van mijn fietsband invoeren? Geverifieerd

Om de afgelegde afstand te berekenen gebruikt de fietscomputer het aantal omwentelingen van de band. Door dit te vermenigvuldigen met de bandmaat, kan de afstand worden berekend.

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Er is een batterij in mijn apparaat gaan oxideren, kan ik het nog veilig gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Ja, het apparaat kan nog veilig gebruikt worden. Verwijder eerst de geoxideerde batterij. Doet dit niet met blote handen. Reinig daarna het batterijcompartiment met een wattenstaafje gedipt in azijn of citroensap. Laat het drogen en doe nieuwe batterijen in het apparaat.

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Hoeveel mijl is een kilometer? Geverifieerd

Eén kilometer is gelijk aan 0,621 mijl. Tien kilometer is daarmee 6,21 mijl. Andersom is één mijl 1,609 kilometer. Tien mijl is daarmee 16,09 kilometer.

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Handleiding Sunding SD-201C Fietscomputer

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